Web Service « Web Service « JSF Q&A

1. How do you do paged lists in JavaServer Faces?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JSF application that I am converting over to use webservices instead of straight up database queries. There are some extremely long lists that before could be ...

2. Call Microsoft EWS from JSF app running on JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I'm running JBoss 4.2.3, Java 1.5, and Ubuntu. Before you tell me to post on the JBossWS forum, I already have and there is not a lot of activity over there. ...

3. Webservice for a JSF application    stackoverflow.com

We wrote a quite complicated application using a JSF + Spring + Hibernate. It has many business process. There are different kind of users (and roles). Users have to fill many forms and ...

4. Invoke web-services in JSF    stackoverflow.com

I need to write invoker for web services in JSF. Any guidlines you can give me? Which lib(API) should I use? Thanks

5. Java EE javax.xml.bind.MarshalException    stackoverflow.com

I am getting javax.xml.bind.MarshalException error. I am sending List from my webservice to the backingbean and I have this error.

WARNING: invocation error on ejb endpoint Login_webservice at /Login_webserviceService/Login_webservice : javax.xml.bind.MarshalException
 - ...

6. Calling web services from your JSF code    stackoverflow.com

Let's say that you have a presentation tier in JSF, and that your business tier is accessed using web services. How would you call your web services from JSF? I ...

7. How to consume RESTful web service in my JSF project?    stackoverflow.com

As RESTful web services is url based and is not a object, we can't call methods on it. I have a simple web service with only one method in it with ...

8. How to call a web service operation from JSF    stackoverflow.com

I have a Web Service operation called getJobCostToDate(String jobnum) which when passed a job number it will return the job cost to date. The page I am displaying shows job data in ...

9. Software-Design Issues    stackoverflow.com

I'm planing to build a software in client-server-design. Technology should be Java. Server should have a communication layer for web-services (e.g. RESTful Jersey), RMI, JSF. Clients can be: Fatclients in Swing or Browser ...

10. REST WebService to serve images dynamically?    stackoverflow.com

Consider 3 Jpeg files

  • image1.jpg
  • image2.jpg
  • image3.jpg
For a given URL and a set of parameters, I would like the server to select and return one of those images. I'm working in a JEE6 environment. ...

11. Using RESTful web service with JSF2    stackoverflow.com

I am working on an enterprise application which has several modules. I want to go with REST web service and JSF but i don't know What is best way to consume ...

12. How to obtain data from a webservice in a JSF action method?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to determine the correct API calls on FacesContext to do the following when processing a backing bean action:

  1. Within the action method construct a URL of dynamic parameters
  2. Send the constructed ...

13. Given a WSDL, how to retrieve the information about the available operations?    stackoverflow.com

Environment NetBeans 6.9.1, GlassFish 3.1 + METRO 2.1 I want to make a JSF page that lists all available operations in a web service. I already have a File instance containing the ...

14. Jax WS caching on client side    stackoverflow.com

I have an JSF 2.0 web application which requests external Jax-WS and reders result applying business logic on it. Is there any way to cache result from from WS and render ...

15. Java to XML conversion    stackoverflow.com

I am working on web services here i have one GUI which is JSP (JSF) page, It has four field for e.q. a,b,c,d and one submit button when i press submit ...

16. Webapp Migration    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to redo a webapp that was designed some 3 years ago. It uses these com.sun.rave.web classes that from what I've been able to piece together is part of ...

17. Throwing WebapplicationException from one webapp and getting UniformInterfaceException on other    stackoverflow.com

I see a weird issue. I have two webapps. One for the rest webservice that we exposed using Jersey. Another has the JSF Front End implementation which calls above webservice to ...

18. Comparision: JSF AJAX Framework vs. JS Framework and Web Service    stackoverflow.com

I'm in the middle of a decision phase of how I should design my next AJAX-Single Page Web-Application. At the moment I have reached crossroads. Should I go for a JSF AJAX Framework ...

20. Jsf Themes    coderanch.com

21. web app to monitor running services on application servers (Nagios like)    coderanch.com

Dear friends, Java background: I just finished reading Head first: Java and i am in the middle of the SCJP book. I love my Java web stuff to administer servers (HP Openview, Navisphere,...) I am system administrator for a telco company. Recently we have built a big application for billing customers that has a bunch of services running on numerous servers. ...

22. Java Web Services Certification course    coderanch.com

23. XMLStreamReaderException while consuimg peoplesoft webservice in JSF application    coderanch.com

Hi, I am using Jdeveloper 11g to consume a peoplesoft webservice which does the basic database operations. I have been successful in creating a proxy using the wsdl file and using JAX-WS approach to achieve the same. I can connect to the webservice using the proxy client as a standalone java class. But when i ceate a proxy for the JSF ...

24. jsf rendered not working    coderanch.com